Oral hygiene is key to preventing plaque

Over 1/3 of parents say their child has experienced dental problems that reflect oral hygiene habits

Only 3 in 5 parents say their child regularly brushes their teeth twice a day. Parents report that fewer boys than girls brush and floss regularly. 1 in 3 parents have noticed that their child has bad breath.

Read the Mott Poll report!

Naughty or nice? Parent views on disciplining young children

Many parents rely on threats to manage misbehavior - from no dessert to no Santa

1 in 8 parents of young children have not thought about their discipline strategies. Half of parents rate themselves as very consistent in disciplining their child. 1 in 4 parents  have threatened their child age 3-5 years with no Santa or gifts.

Read the Mott Poll report!

Helping children manage anger and frustration

Some parents need support managing children's anger

Nearly 4 in 10 parents say that in the past year their child has experienced negative consequences when angry. 7 in 10 parents feel they sometimes set a bad example of how to manage anger. 1 in 7 parents think their child gets angry more often than peers the same age.

Read the Mott Poll report!

Teens and protein

Many teens use protein supplements for muscle growth, sports performances

Nearly 1 in 5 parents think their teen does not get enough protein. 2 in 5 parents say their teen has consumed protein supplements in the past year; this is higher for teen boys than girls. 1 in 3 parents use protein supplements themselves and are more likely to report their teen also consumes protein supplements.

Read the Mott Poll report!