Introducing our new website:
We’re excited to introduce our new and improved website,! For the past several months, we’ve been working behind the scenes to create a better experience for our website visitors. Here’s a quick overview of some of the new features you can use here.
New URL and new social spaces
We’re the same National Poll on Children’s Health, but we have a new web address that’s easier to remember. We’ve changed our social usernames too so it’s easier to find us online. Visit us at and on Twitter at @csmottpoll.
See the latest Poll research right away
Many people come to the Mott Poll to find parent perspectives on the latest children’s health issues. We’ve made it easier to find the latest Poll research right away. Our home page now includes the latest four Poll Reports so finding the most recent information from the Poll is only one click away. You can also check out the home page Trending Topic for a blog post about a children’s health issue that is currently getting a lot of attention in the media.
Find what you need more quickly
The Poll covers new child health topics every month and after over 10 years, there are a lot of Poll Reports to sort through. Now, you can find what you’re looking for more quickly. We’ve completely re-worked our website search and organization to deliver better results. Search by keyword or phrase and sort your search results by the type of content you’re looking for, so if you want to see only Poll Reports or only blog posts on a topic, it’s as easy as checking a box. You can also browse by category to see some of the key topics the Poll has covered.
Looking for an infographic? You can search for that
We’ve also made it easier to look through our library of infographics and download files. If you’re more interested in data visualizations than full reports, just visit and take a look around. You can search by keyword or phrase and check the “Infographics” box to find infographics for a specific topic. Click on an infographic title to see options for downloading the graphic, links to related topics, and links to the full Poll Report where the infographic originally appeared.
Feedback? We’d love you hear from you
Take a look around the new Mott Poll website and let us know what you think! We’d love to hear from you:
*Note: As of December 2019, the Mott Poll Facebook page is no longer active. Continue to visit our website and find us on Twitter to stay up to date on our latest reports.