
Parent strategies to protect kids' hearing. Percent of parents using the following strategy to limit the volume on their 5-12 year old's audio devices. Device choices: volume limiting headphones, 31%; noise-canceling headphones, 14%. Device settings: set volume limits on devices, 16%. Parental supervision: occasionally check and lower volume, 23%.
Can they hear you now: Noise and headphone use in children
Parent concerns about risks of online betting for teens: percent of parents identifying the following risks for teens 14-18. Debt, 83%; addiction, 77%; ruin credit score, 51%; lead to drug/alcohol abuse, 27%.
Parent awareness of online betting among teens
Supporting kids' goal-setting: % of parents of kids 11-18 who support their child's goals in the following ways. Celebrate attempts at improvement, 70%. Join their efforts, 58%. Help track progress, 52%. Provide financial support, 51%. Offer reward for achieving goal, 44%.
Resolving to be involved: Goal-setting for parents and kids
Sharing parenting advice through social media. % of parents of children age 0-4 using social media for these topics: toilet training, 44%; getting kids to sleep, 42%; nutrition/breastfeeding, 37%; discipline, 37%; behavior problems, 33%; vaccination, 26%.
Sharing on parenting: Getting advice through social media
Do children have enough independence? Percent of parents who let their kids age 9-11 do the following without adult supervision: stay  home for 30-60 minutes, 58%; find item at store while parent is in another aisle, 50%; walk/bike to a friend's house, 33%; trick-or-treating with friends, 15%.
Promoting children's independence: What parents say vs do
Protecting children's health in poor air quality. Percent of parents who did the following when air quality was poor: 69% kept windows closed; 68% limited child's time outdoors; 47% had child avoid strenuous outdoor activities; 19% purchased/used home air filter; 11% had child wear mask when outdoors
Protecting children from poor air quality
Parents from lower-income household are more likely to view issues as a big problem for children 0-18. Low income: <$50,000. Middle income: $50,000-$99,999. High income: >/=$100,000. Unsafe neighborhoods: 46% low, 32% middle, and 22% high view it as a big problem. For bullying, 69% low, 57% middle, and 45% high view it as a big problem. For drinking/using drugs, 56% low, 52% middle, and 36% high view it as a big problem. For school violence, 61% low, 52% middle, and 42% high view it as a big problem.
Overuse of devices and social media top parent concerns
Parents who received instructions on when to use the portal are more satisfied with their ability to communicate with their child's provider
Making the most of your child's patient portal
Parent strategies to address anxiety-related belly pain in children 3-10 years old: talk with child about cause of anxiety, 71%; do breathing/relaxation exercises with child, 53%; distract child, 53%; allow child to miss school/activities, 16%.
Tummy troubles: How parents deal with their child's belly pain
Sorting out second-hand supplies: Percent of parents who are very likely to do the following when they receive or buy pre-owned child equipment. Inspect for signs of damage: 90%; sanitize it: 88%; look up how to use/set it up online: 55%; look up info on product recalls: 49%
Used but still safe? Parent views on pre-owned child equipment