
Sorting out second-hand supplies: Percent of parents who are very likely to do the following when they receive or buy pre-owned child equipment. Inspect for signs of damage: 90%; sanitize it: 88%; look up how to use/set it up online: 55%; look up info on product recalls: 49%
Used but still safe? Parent views on pre-owned child equipment
Teen jos: Pros and cons. Percent of parents citing a positive or negative impact of teen's job. Positive impact: money management, 76%; self-esteem, 70%; time management, 63%; social life, 28%. Negative impact: sleep, 16%; activities, 11%; social life, 11%; grades, 4%.
Parents see upsides and downsides to teen jobs
Strategies to reduce teen vaping: percent of parents who think strategy would be effective. More enforcement of laws against selling to minors: 70%; increasing tax on vapes, 57%; limit advertisement on social media, 52%; require warning labels on vape packaging, 30%. Source: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, 2023.
Are parents realistic about whether their child is vaping?
Parent practices when giving their children fever-reducing medication: 84% re-take temperature before giving another dose. 65% record the time of each dose. 26% give another dose to prevent a return fever. Source: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, 2023.
Figuring out fever in children
Checklist for the check-up: actions that parents often take in advance of their child's well visit. Address child's fears about visit: 40%; prepare list of questions to ask provider: 25%; ask kids 6-12 to think about questions for provider: 22%; write down info about child's health changes, 21%.
Making the most of well visits
How parents would react if teen does not want to attend holiday religious services, among parents who plan to attend religious services. Insist teen attend services anyway: 48%. Discuss importance, but allow teen to choose, 38%. Support teen's decision not to attend, 8%. Bargain with teen to get them to attend, 6%. Source: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, 2022.
Parent views on teens, religion and the holidays
Parent discussion with child’s doctor about vaccines for child in the past two years: for school vaccines, 82%; for flu vaccine, 68%; for COVID vaccine, 57%.
Disruption of parent-provider discussions about vaccines
How far past the expiration date? Percent of parents who say OTC medicine is OK to give to kids past expiration date: never, 37%; 1 month, 20%; 3 months, 14%; 6 months, 14%; one year or more, 15%
Parent actions around expired and leftover medicine in the home
Seeing themselves in a negative light. Percent of parents saying their child is self-conscious about the following: acne/skin, 32%; weight, 31%; hair, 27%; teeth, 18%; height, 17%; facial features, 12%
Parents' perception of their child's body image
School traffic safety risks: percent of parents citing major safety problem. 37%, drivers not paying attention; 34%, speeding; 26%, parking in no-parking areas; 26% dropping off in wrong location
Parent traffic hazardous to student safety