
Early intervention: Addressing mental health concerns in bullied children

Bullying can lead to many health concerns in children and a recent study suggests that bullying can lead to mental health issues that might follow a child into adulthood.

Researchers from Finland examined the effects of childhood bullying on adult mental health and found that both victims of bullying and the bullies themselves were more likely to experience mental health issues in adulthood, such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

Parents think that schools have a large responsibility in addressing and combatting bullying. In a 2012 NPCH Report,  81% of parents were in favor of schools taking action if a student embarrasses or humiliates another student, in addition to an overwhelming 95% who were in favor if a student felt afraid for his/her physical safety.

Figure 1. Bullying- When should schools take action?

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In addition to taking action in response to bullying, are schools doing enough to provide care for those who are experiencing issues that could cause or stem from bullying? In a 2010 NPCH Report, parents said their children’s schools were lacking in support for emotional and behavioral issues, especially in secondary education.

For more information and resources on child mental health services, visit, and for information on bullying prevention, visit

What do you think?
Does your child’s school offer any mental health services for children who are experiencing emotional or behavioral concerns? Share your thoughts with us on Twitter @csmottpoll.