
School traffic safety risks: percent of parents citing major safety problem. 37%, drivers not paying attention; 34%, speeding; 26%, parking in no-parking areas; 26% dropping off in wrong location
Parent traffic hazardous to student safety
Protective eyewear during risky activities - percent of parents who report child wears protective glasses or goggles when doing the following activities: working with tools, 70%; playing shooting games, 61%, playing contact sports, 31%.
Keeping an eye on children's vision
Safety with sparklers. Percent of parents who enforce the following rules for their children age 3-10: hold sparkler away from face (98%), wear shoes when using sparklers (78%), only use one sparkler at a time (75%), stay six feet apart from others (63%).
Minimize risks when celebrating with sparklers and fireworks
1 in 10 parents say COVID masking and vaccination requirements are essential to their decisions about summer camp for 2022
Considering camp? Don't overlook health and safety
Struggling to achieve a balanced diet. Percent of parents reporting a problem with their child's diet: picky eating, 35%; not eating enough fruits and vegetables, 31%; not getting enough of certain vitamins/minerals, 13%; not eating enough fiber, 9%
Healthy eating and use of dietary supplements in children
Warning signs of a mental health issue? Percent of parents who would be concerned about their adolescent if they noticed the following signs: frequent comments about being worried or anxious (65%), moodiness (64%), decreased interaction with family (63%), drop in grades (61%), change in sleep (53%), or change in eating patterns (49%). Source: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, 2022.
Parent views on addressing mental health concerns in adolescents
Parent attitudes about CBD for children. Percent of parents who say CBD for kids.... should be regulated by the FDA (83%), should require a doctor's prescription (75%), may be a good option when other medications don't work (73%)
Parent perspectives on CBD use in children
Helmets and winter sports. Percent of parents reporting child helmet use during outdoor winter activities. Snowmobiling: 83% always, 10% sometimes, 5% never. Skiing/snowboarding: 73% always, 12% sometimes, 14% never. Sledding: 17% always, 14% sometimes, 67% never.
Keeping kids safe during outdoor winter activities
Percent rating as very likely to cause stress. 31%: Extra shopping/holiday tasks; 30%: keeping family healthy; 29%: household finances; 23%: planning for family gatherings; 22%: making special holiday meals; 14%: criticism from family members about holiday plans
'Tis the season to be...stressed?
Parent strategies to teach their child to show gratitude. Percent of parents who say child does this regularly. 88% say please and thank you. 60% do chores to help family. 37% donate toys or clothes. 36% say prayers of thanks.
Parent efforts to teach children about gratitude