
Parent challenges monitoring children's use of social media apps. Percent of parents of kids 7-12 reporting challenges. 39% say it's too time-consuming to monitor use. 21% say they're unable to find the info needed to set up parental controls. 32% say children find ways to get around parental controls.
Sharing too soon? Children and social media apps
Parent views on fast food for kids. 85% say it is unhealthy for their kids. 84% say it is OK in moderation. 72% say it is a good option when stressed for time. 33% say it is good value for the money. 24% say it is less expensive than home-cooked meals
Parent views on fast food and family meals
Student worries for 2021-22 school year. Percent of parents reporting their child is worried about the following: 26% virtual school again, 24% being around large groups of kids, 22% being behind on academics, 22% getting along with friends
How a year of COVID influences views on start of school
Among parents of kids 3-11: 70% have not discussed COVID vaccine with child's doctor. Among parents of kids 12-18: 50% have not discussed COVID vaccine with child's doctor.
More parent-provider communication about COVID vaccine needed
Addressing developmental delay. When parents thought their child was behind, 82% sought help from a healthcare professional. 18% only looked up info online or asked friends/family.
Milestones: How parents understand child development
Parent preferences for child's doctor visits. Percent of parents indicating preference on type of visit for their child. For minor illness, 54% are OK with virtual and 46% prefer in-person. For mental health, 49% are OK with virtual and 51% prefer in-person. For specialists, 26% are OK with virtual and 74% prefer in-person. For check-ups, 23% are OK with virtual and 77% prefer in-person.
Virtual visits for kids
COVID-19 precautions in youth sports. Parent ratings for school, travel, or community sports organizations. For giving clear information about precautions, 86% rate excellent/good, and 14% rate fair/poor. For consistent enforcement of precautions, 72% rate excellent/good, and 28% rate fair/poor. For treating children fairly, 87% rate excellent/good, and 13% rate fair/poor. For listening to parent concerns, 83% rate excellent/good, and 17% rate fair/poor.
Playing through a pandemic: Youth sports and COVID
Effects of the pandemic on teen mental health. Percent of parents noticing a new problem or worsening of an existing problem. For anxiety: 36% of teen girls and 19% of teen boys. For Depression: 31% of teen girls and 18% of teen boys. For Sleep issues: 24% of teen girls and 21% of teen boys. For withdrawing from family: 14% of teen girls and 13% of teen boys. For aggressive behavior: 9% of teen girls and 8% of teen boys.
How the pandemic has impacted teen mental health
Percent of parents reporting improvements in their child's oral health habits. 16% say their kids are brushing more often, 11% say their kids are flossing more often. 9% say their kids are using fluoride rinse more often. 15% say their kids are drinking sugary beverages less often.
Pandemic-posed challenges to children's oral health
Benefits of peer support leader programs in schools. 76% of parents agree: Peer support leaders would have a better understanding of the challenges facing teens, compared to teachers or counselors. 72% of parents agree: Having peer support leaders would encourage more teens to talk with someone about their mental health concerns.
Teens talking with teens about mental health